Do you speak puppetry
Puppetry as an alternative form of communication

A puppet is a representation of a human being without being human itself. Because of this defining attribute, the puppet can behave in ways about which we human beings only fantasize but dare not actualize. The puppeteer can make the puppet act and react in any way he chooses without being limited by adherence to socially acceptable behavior or fear of an unfavorable reaction from others. The puppet relates to other characters, which may have real counterparts, in situations that may be similar to reality. However, the realm of the puppet is safe because it is not real. Puppets can do and say whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want because ..they are just puppets.
Observing the world created by the puppet provides a glimpse into the imagination of the puppeteer; imagination is a portal to the soul, and puppets are products of the human soul. Creating a puppet, a puppet character, and a puppet world allows the puppeteer to access, value and enjoy his creative self. This self dwells within and is free from the pressures, stigmas, prejudices, and demands of the outer world. It exists in a place where the truth is free to be. Sharing the puppet with an audience is actually an invitation to meet and interact with the puppeteer in his personal inner living space. Communication here may be metaphorical, symbolic, and can reveal thoughts, knowledge and feelings, which may not be accessible through the spoken language.
The puppet crosses the line of illusion, inviting the audience to believe that it is real. When this happens, the puppet becomes responsible for everything it does and says, not the puppeteer, who is in a "safe place". He is behind the puppet that has taken the center stage. Thus, together, the puppet and the puppeteer are pushing the boundaries of reality in order to express personal inner truths. They are working together to present these truths to their selected audience. It is important for the audience to react, but, of course, the reaction is through the filter of the puppet and the puppet show. The language of puppetry includes a puppeteer who has a message he wants to deliver to an audience. He communicates this message through his puppets, and he hopes that they will help him create a dialogue with his audience. This is speaking puppetry.