Do you speak puppetry
Puppetry as an alternative form of communication

Puppetry as a Teaching Aid
I have taught puppetry for many years to college students majoring in education. One year, I worked with a class specializing in teaching history. At the same time, they were doing their practical work with sixth graders and were teaching them about the fall of Rome. They developed a wonderful shadow puppetry project. The three sixth grade classes were divided into small groups. Each group created a shadow puppet scene about a specific aspect that led to the fall of Rome. At the end of the year, they presented all of the shadow shows in the proper chronological order. The audience included: parents, grade school teachers, teacher trainers from the college, and members of the fourth and fifth grades. Needless to say, not only did they enjoy the performance, but they also learned a lot about Rome, and the student teachers felt the joy of teaching
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