Do you speak puppetry
Puppetry as an alternative form of communication

Farryl Hadari has been an educator in the field of puppetry for more than 30 years.
She has initiated many puppetry projects... read more.
How to make a Posterboard Mouth Puppet
- Three ten inch circles cut from poster board (or paper plates)
- Scissors
- Staplers and staples
- Rubber bands
- Variety of colored markers
- Variety of colored paper
- Glue
- Cut the first circle in half.
- Staple the two halves on the second circle. Fold this so that the two half circles are on the outside.
- Cut three lines in the middle of the top half. This will form the puppet's eyes; fold them upwards.
- Cut the third circle according to the diagram in the picture below:
- Fold the shoulders toward the back. Staple the shoulders to the backside then fold the arms forward.
- Fold the top half of the neck forward and put the folded tab into the bottom pocket of the puppets head.
Staple it in place.
- Put the rubber band around the puppets neck, like a necklace. The puppeteer will put his hand through the rubber band and then into the pockets when operating the puppet. The rubber band will secure the puppet on the puppeteer's hand so that it will not slip off.
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